
How Apartment Living Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is an important factor in having a peaceful, pleasant, and satisfying life. Nowadays, people follow a busy work schedule like meetings, overtime work, discussions, travels, presentations, etc. This continuous process irritates a person’s mental and physical health. All the people are searching how to improve work-life balance. Living in flats in Edappally can help with a better work-life balance. There are so many positive factors for apartment life. It offered a positive state of mind. During this Covid-19 pandemic, peace of mind is one of the main requirements for work from home employees. The work-from-home option also affected negatively for many. The continuous hours of work affect their personal life more. Their work-life balance can be affected due to a lack of good social life, no outings, no other entertainment options, etc. The given below are some tips to improve your work-life balance.

Relax After Work 

The apartment has so many facilities like walkways, parks for stress release and relaxation. Walking through the beautifully landscaped parks, gardens, and green-surrounded parks will help you to mood change and give relief from tension. Keeping some time helps to relax your body and mind after work. It helps to forget the worries. You can utilize the time with family. Most of the apartments consist of a swimming pool, games room, gardens, etc for relaxation. It will maintain the work and personal life.

Fitness Centre 

Sitting in front of a computer for a long time is bad for your health. The body will weak due to a lack of exercise. Most people didn’t get time for exercise due to their busy schedules. Another advantage of living in an apartment is the facilities like fitness centers, yoga rooms, jogging facilities, etc. Then you easily make this a habit for your daily life. And exercise becomes a part of your daily routine. A happy refreshed mind and a healthy body will refresh your mood and work life.

Live in a Classy Community 

People who live in close communities are always happier than others. The community helps you to make friendships and participate in various events, celebrations, and occasions. Some apartments conduct events, hobby classes, yoga classes, etc for the resident’s engagement. So you can participate in all the events for entertainment and enjoy a well-balanced lifestyle. Also in case of any emergency, neighbors are ready to help. Well-maintained community life is needed for a blissful life.

Maintenance Support 

It is very difficult to call the maintenance person when any damage happens in between your office work. Another most commonly seen issue is a power failure and water supply. But in flats in Ernakulamthe caretaker will monitor all these issues and do the needful in such a situation.

Handling all the activities with your work is very difficult to handle. So people living in the apartments don’t have to worry about this kind of issue.

Parks & Outdoor Spaces 

The apartments consist of parks, green outdoors, and gardens. The natural atmosphere gives a lot of positive vibes to relax your mind and body. It is very important in your busy work schedule. Nowadays most of the flats are constructed with wooden interiors, gardens, play areas, etc. These facilities do not only benefit you but are also beneficial for kids also. Kids also get space for play and make themselves happy. The flats have a high-security system. So do not worry about the children also.

These are the few methods to improve the work-life balance of working professionals. A work-life balance not only minimizes overtime work but also reduces stress and becomes refreshed. A life of comfort is the main reason for many working professionals to select flats in Cochin. It is part of a healthy and happy life.


Some aspects to make the right property investment in your budget

Real estate investment is a tricky business, especially if you are a first-time investor. It is very hard for you. Getting the right property that matches your budget is a challenging task that buyers face. Background research can help the buyers to select the appropriate property within the budget. The real estate market in India deals with various types of properties like land, apartments for sale in Kochi, villas, and commercial spaces.

Decide the location: 

The first step in the property investment process is to find the right location. It would be better to find out the location in your native city or working place is an important factor before selecting the ideal location. Remote locations are cheaper than locations within the city. So depending upon your investment choose the location that is right for you.

Calculate the budget: 

The second step in the investment process after selecting the location is a calculation of the budget. To check how much money you are able to invest in the new property. If you are a first-time buyer, then it would be better to consult a qualified financial advisor to know about your bank loan eligibility. Once the budget is set, then start to find a different option that matches within the limit.

Get to know your market: 

The real estate investment market has to change day by day. That’s why through market research, you have to find out the current market trends, prices, interest rates, and development which allow you to recognize the current market status and you should plan accordingly. It is better to invest in an area in which the property price is rising fastly. It is good for the future also and compares the different types of properties in the same locality. It will help to find out the pros and cons.

Size and type of property: 

Finding the right property is a difficult task. You can find a lot of properties of different sizes and types in your chosen location. The price of land depends upon the location whether it is a city or village. Land prices vary with location, size, age, and type of property. Buying ready-to-occupy

villas or apartments is a good way of earning money. Another best investment option is investing in an ongoing project. Ongoing projects price is lesser than the price of completed projects.

Know your needs: 

Another main thing is the actual purpose of investment. Different people have different intentions for the investment. For some, it may be their dream home or flat for sale in Kochi and for some others, it may be for earning money. So understanding your needs is an important thing. If you are selecting a house, then you need to have some space for a garden, a play area, etc.

Clear your debts: 

It is last but not least. Clearing all your existing debts will help to achieve your dream villa or flat fastly. While you are applying for a loan, the bank will check your credit score or find any debt to income ratio. Then if you have any pending debts, you won’t get the loan easily. So try to settle all the debts before buying a property.

The above are some aspects that give you a good idea about how to make the right property investment in your budget. You should be up-to-date on the current market trends. It will help you become a good investor. A property like a flat in Kochi, villa, or home is a valuable asset for the future.


A Guide to Starting a Balcony Kitchen Garden

A touch of green brings so much positivity to our living spaces. Today, some of the most prominent villa projects in Kochi focus on healthy living and recreating fortifying green spaces within the four walls of city life. If you are having apartments for sale in Kochi, you too can plan a tiny balcony kitchen garden and resell the living spaces.

For those of us, who have been used to living on acres of land where our ancestors have cultivated the veggies for our daily meals; city life would naturally make you miss that experience. How many of you actually love the scent of wet soil? To pluck your own home-grown veggies and serve them at the table – is a feeling that can be indescribable at times.

It does not seem as complex as more garden lovers think so. We are here to give simple, yet fulfilling, and affordable kitchen gardens that can make your balconies heaven on their own.

Spot the sun-kissed zone 

It goes without saying that any plant needs a daily dose of sunshine to grow. Choose that corner of your balcony in the apartment which gets sunlight. By the way, you need a moderate intensity of sunlight and for probably most of the day, the rays should flow in. While tenants look for a flat for sale in Kochi, most of the time, they check if the balcony is sunlit adequately.


Understand what sort of pots, plant-soil mixing bowls, trays are needed to fit into such a compact space. You can purchase terracotta pots or ceramic or plastic ones as per your budget and preference.


Next, list down the herbs, veggies, and decorative plants you long to have in your balcony garden in your Kochi apartment. You could grow spinach, coriander, tomatoes, mint, chilies, and flowers that you prefer.

Layout Design 

The kitchen garden layout should not only look attractive but should allow you to easily sit, water, and watch them grow. You need to plan their waste drainage and waste disposal while living in a flat in Kochi.

Plant Growth Style 

Depending on the type of apartments for sale in Kochi, you can redesign the plant growth style. For example, you can usually have contemporary vertical gardens on your apartment balcony or go for a pathway of neatly arranged pots.

Perfect Soil Blend 

Yes, a highly critical point to keep in mind. Depending on the type of plants you want to grow on the apartment balcony, choose the soil. It should have nutrients, water absorption, and the right PH balance to help seedlings grow.

Winding Up 

If you are a plant lover, just as much as we are; then jot down the above points and get your little kitchen garden rolling. As mentioned before, you could add value to your apartments for sale in Kochi, once you prepare a ready-use kitchen garden for your new buyers.

The efforts are all worth it when you get to see the happy smiles and even participate in their first harvest! Seriously, these balcony kitchen gardens are more than a hobby. It is a way of healthy living for everyone who lives in cities like Kochi today.


Changing Face of Kerala Housing

The experiences and learnings of the last two years during the pandemic have reinforced the idea that apart from health, a safe and convenient home is the single most important and valuable place every one would like to be when the chips are down. Kerala is unique and always different to the rest of India in so many ways as has been proven even during this pandemic. Even as kerala remains a great tourist destination with outstanding natural beauty and great facilities, the very high percentage of keralites residing outside the State for better livelihood opportunities goes to prove the paradox that kerala still remains one of the most difficult states in India in the Ease Of Doing Business for entrepreneurs especially in the infrastructure sector.

Inspite of that fact, the development of numerous best in class housing projects across the State over the years to cater to specific needs of different segments of society augers well and is a key attraction to any Keralite to prefer to own an address which they can safely come home to. A comparison of housing stock of developments in kerala market and outside has many stark differences. For one, the limited availability and high value of developable land in kerala cities restricts the volume of such developments. Even as there is very little urban rural divide across cities and towns in terms of infrastructure, the social facilities provided both by private and govt initiatives in kerala cities go a long way to make city living easier and wholesome, thereby improving its attractiveness.

Being a state where the majority of the raw materials for development comes from across the country and carrying the tag of providing the highest labour wages in India (nearly twice more than the next highest State) thereby attracting significant migrant labourers, the value of creating any real estate asset in kerala has always been much more than other tier 2 or 3 cities outside kerala. With emphasis of most residential developments being more on quality than on quantity, it augers well for the future of the discerning home buyer. A lot more time and effort towards design, products offering and services are provided by reputed developers in the creation of such sustainable edifices.

It is indeed remarkable that during the numerous natural calamities which unfortunately kerala had to bear the brunt off over the last four years, the residential and commercial developments of the credible and organised developers stood out as pockets of excellence and safe investment haven. This goes to show that any judgment to acquire property should be made based on full understanding of the product and the overall big picture. Nevertheless kerala society as a whole including NRKs has had to face numerous challenges during the last decade one after another, and its stoic resilience in the face of adversity and hardship is indeed remarkable.

As for kerala real estate, a new dawn beckons in the horizon for the home choices available, the attractiveness of low home loan finances (lowest ever in banking history) , the reduction of risk of delivery and the certainty of quality it promises (with RERA in place) . This new phase is undoubtedly going to transform housing with the variety it provides, the inclusion of asset management services for better and longer quality of the property, and the transformation of interior spaces with the largest collection of furnishing solutions available.

It is always good to remember that the future replacement cost of a good quality real estate asset is much more than when it was initially created. With inflation playing a factor and market appreciation of the product being another, the intrinsic value of homes have only seen a steady increase. Once the national model rental act becomes applicable the certainty of improved rental incomes will accelerate the attractiveness of housing as an asset class. Though there is a timeframe and documentation process to transact this asset class, the compliances for such matters in kerala are far improved and much better compared to the neighbouring States.

CREDAI kerala has been continually working pro actively over the last 15 years with the local and state government to ensure the uncertainties and challenges of real estate developments are minimised. Most of the statutory bodies like KWA, Kseb, PCB, LSGD, Revenue, etc still follow complicated and time consuming procedures and its functionings are still far from satisfactory needing many interventions from time to time to rectify and streamline it . But for credai kerala providing relevant inputs and highlighting to the government such problem areas, the scenario would not have been manageable. Though the Right to Services Act is in place, the effectiveness of these govt departments in quickly responding to provide the basic necessities leaves much to be desired. Both the home owners and the developers will be much relieved once the vexed issue of inordinate delays in service connections are sorted out once and for all!

Unfortunately, as entry barriers to housing development were few in India , we also saw poorly planned and risky projects in kerala failing which gave a bad name occasionally for the industry of organized housing. Obviously failed or stalled projects attract significant negative attention with investors and buyers funds stuck for long periods of time. And it isn’t easy to complete such projects due to multiplicity of issues involved. Of course, with more awareness now, the buyers are able to now better judge and decide their preferred property from among the viable options available.

It goes without saying that community living is the future for housing as it brings forth a lot of advantages together and instills a sense of belonging among the residents. Apart from making economic sense, it is better towards environmental issues and more sustainable in the longer run. There are hundreds of wonderful projects established over the years in our cities by seasoned developers which are shining examples of great development. Aided by a responsible residents association willing to manage the community affairs subsequently, the transition and support to maintaining the residential asset to its desired standards can be easily ensured. In larger developments , professional property management agencies are engaged to provide the highest standards of continuing care for a wide range of services which gives complete comfort and peace of mind to all the residents and owners.

Overall, with the sharp increase in all raw materials prices over the last one year across India, the cost of real estate development has shot up drastically. In keeping with the demand, this has resulted in quicker sales of ready to occupy stock, leading to many projects being launched in the last one year. And with the safety net of RERA available, customers can be more relaxed on product delivery timelines. Specific requirements of new age customers and improved amenities are also being offered keeping in view the changes happening in the work place, travel and communication platforms.

So the next few years looks promising for the organised real estate market as even well settled Keralites from across India make a renewed comeback to the State preferring the wholesome lifestyle kerala cities offers its citizens. That is a testimony to the high standards maintained and unique value offered by Kerala developers in their projects.

Dr. Najeeb Zackeria

Managing director

Abad builders private limited 


Factors to consider while purchasing a flat if you want to resale it in the future

Is a flat resale on your mind? Surely, the apartments for sale in Kochi have to put a lot of thought while making a sale for any flat in Kerala. If you purchase a flat as part of your investment plan, it is great, but makes you take the following points into consideration while buying a flat from the Builders in Kochi. We will walk you through the essentials of flat purchase and resale in Kochi.

Commute Accessibility 

Even if you are purchasing a premium villa or a flat in Kochi within a gated community, the commute convenience is a big factor. It should be easily accessible to the nearby malls, hospitals, public transport and easily accessible on the main roads.

Secure Neighborhood 

While selling your apartments for sale in Kochi, the safety factor is to be well-thought, So, even if your apartment is a bit pricey, if it is situated in a good, safe location, future sales will be possible. This is particularly useful for resale to families and single women with children.

Lifestyle Amenities 

Ensure that it matches your lifestyle. Choose vicinities where you have nearby schools, clubs, and it should be easily reachable to workplaces zones in Kochi like the Infopark. Today, a flat for sale in Kochi will be sold only if it matches the middle-income groups of society. You may not have to visit all these places every day, but a casual walk to a nearby park for children and elders is surely an attractive point. In metropolitan cities like Kochi, people love to choose flats that are not amid traffic congestion and chaos. You will be able to charge higher rent for the ambience and security your flat promises at the time of the sale.


With the hidden dangers posed by nature nowadays, people check for the occurrences of various issues in the area. So, henceforth builders in Kochi should ensure that the place remains safe from floods, lightning, fire, earthquakes and is also prone to political fights or chaos. A good resale can be executed only if the new client hears no complaints about the flat owner and the area. So, make sure you exhibit goodwill – if you aim to get a lucrative resalable value for your apartment in Kochi.

Building Fixtures 

Now, if you are looking to purchase flats, first you would see if the fixtures within the apartment and building are intact and of premium quality. While considering apartments for sale in Kochi, people look into good apartment service, plumbing, backup power systems, transport and parking facilities, etc. Along with this, ensure that the building management is approachable and the rent and other services are handled with total transparency.

To Sum Up 

Of course, there are plenty of red flags that you need to look into while selecting a flat for sale in Kochi, but we have listed the most notable factors for a quick read. A good investment with wise decisions can help you live, and even earn a stable income for your future generation.


Tips to Save Space in Your Apartment

Your Apartment is your comfort zone and when thinking about how to live in flats in Edappally, space is the first thought that strikes many of us. For those, who would have recently moved into any of the flats in Cochin, we got a couple of saving space tips to keep in mind.

Especially, when we come out from our parent’s home, a modest 1 bedroom flat or even a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment may seem to feel stuffy. But a little layout change can bring in all the positive vibes flowing into your normal life.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and see how we utilise the 5 space saving ideas we have and transform them into something really awesome.

Kitchen Space 

Food is our way of depicting some family love and probably to shoot a fabulous peer party! In flats in Kochi, you need to have only the necessary pots and pans. Fit in more drawers, hooks, shelves where you can place food items, and store dry foods. Add in small cabinets so that you do not need to place all the foodstuffs and kitchen gadgets around the place.

Bathroom Storage 

Lifestyle can be improved by rectifying the bathroom space malfunctions. This nifty corner of cleanliness should have cabinets that carry accessories, medicines, washing powders, shoe stands, and cloth baskets that you may need for daily living. This is a rough use room, so that will greatly benefit to save space in your flats in Edappally.

Bedroom Clutter is a No 

Bedrooms in flats in Cochin are the point of cosiness for all of us. Let’s not stuff it with all the clutter that cannot be displayed outside. Instead, we need closet organisers. Just place only the clothes, bedspreads, and accessories that you need for the season. The rest should go to sleep in the under-bed spaces, above the cupboards, and even on the balcony. Pack well, so that bugs, moss, and dust don’t get accumulated.

Laundry Storage Level Up 

This is our dump-in the corner in every home and that needs to be brought to a stop. If rearranged a bit, seriously the laundry storage can be such a sweet spot for so many essential home items. In flats, where the laundry space has small closets, and cabinets in a horizontal arrangement, store things that need not be opened always or perhaps have rough use. It means planting seeds, garden equipment, wiping, and cleaning gear.

Garden Spread 

The balcony in most flats in Cochin is one area where you get to breathe fresh air and soak in some Vitamin D. So, make the most of it. Add a mini office space, folding tables, stable cable, and cabinets where you can store files without the attack of mites.

The Shift is an Inspiring Living experience 

You can now explore your flats in Ernakulam and revamp the dingy space with these practical, low-cost apartment space ideas. We have a reputation to improve living for each of our clients because we strongly believe that homes are where happiness is born. That space cannot be cluttered but should give a space for fresh thoughts every minute.


What are the most important renovations to add value to your home?

Home renovations are an impactful upgrade to your present home. Who doesn’t love a fresh change? If you smile away when you wear a new kurta, then that is the same level of happiness these renovation ideas will give you. A change in a home-style can boost the mood, help you think better, and yes, overall, an element of peaceful sanctity enters your life.

Try it along with our simple home renovation tweak ideas and celebrate the appreciation that you can get. Still, wondering whether a home renovation in your Kochi home is required? Come along and see the homework we have done for you.

Important renovations to add value to your home

Get ready to raise your bar of home living standards with these fine home renovation ideas for your apartments, flats, and homes of any size. This will increase the value of any of your apartments for sale in Kochi as tenants such custom-made homes.

Light up

Proper lighting is a great element to strike the right mood in the house. Switch your bedroom lights, to pretty rice lights, and give your balconies low voltage soft multi-colored lights to give that all-day party look.

Kitchen Remodel

Our kitchens are often the hub of family gatherings, conversations, chaos, and fun. Put it all together, with more side tables, extra chairs or stools, soft lighting, a music system, some inhouse plants, a tiny kitchen garden and change it into your second casual living room space. Your little ones and senior family members will love the homely feel it lends.

Workstation Redesign or Expansion

With the work at home and study lifestyle still on the go, we do need airy, well-lit spaces for everyday work. You can convert a portion of your kitchen space into a workstation. Even for those who have balcony space, add in a cute table, chair, fit into more electrical connections, and let your positive energy flow.

Storage Spaces

Got a little corridor space? Then, go ahead and place an additional deck or shelves and convert it into a showpiece stand or a makeshift library. Cool, aesthetic and so very space-friendly.

Paint the Wear & Tear

We all know that paints can wear off; the wood colour can dim down. So, head to the hardware store, buy the paint of choice, do the paint patchwork with your family. Repair the leaks, repaint the wooden structures and yes, you have a revamped house in no time. Plus, this is a great exercise and fun activity for the young ones.

See how simple that was! These ideas are not meant to rip your pockets or monthly budgets. It is meant to improve the living spaces with a touch of style to the worn-out areas. Trust us, for the ones who have put up your flat for sale in Kochi, these value-added ideas are worth every bit. Take these pictures; add them to your listing. See how you can wow your possible clients in the coming days. Stay tuned, as we add in more ideas that will add value to your homes.


What should you know about staging your home?

Each home is a dream of a buyer, with a state-of-the-art kitchen or a fully remodelled master bathroom; for which a perfect buyer looks. Staging your home through showings and promotional materials is the best foot forward to make the potential buyers come to view the property or flats in Cochin.

Staging your home is preparing a property for sale showcasing a home’s best assets and selling it quickly for the highest possible price. Just putting up a sale won’t work but you have to take extra steps to make a sale. Home staging has become a popular way to increase a home’s selling price in a short time period.

Selling a home that’s been occupied for many years staged to sell can reap more rewards than the one not staged. The prospect of selling the home is to prepare and stage the home, also doing some simple upgrades like arranging furniture, simple cleaning and the removal of day-to-day living items and decor to reach another buyer pool and see the potential. It can also involve some financial investment – like painting, improving the landscaping and adding furniture and plants to give an idea to the buyer of what their new home or flats in Kochi would look like. In short, it will be an advantage if you take the extra step of staging your property.

Still, there remains something more you need to know regarding the same.

The exterior look 

The exterior is the very first impression, if not good at the first sight they may walk away without finding out what the interior looks like. Make sure to consistently maintain the lawn and landscaping and give a fresh coat of paint. Add accessories like a doormat or wreath on the entranceway of flats in Ernakulam in order to achieve the best price.

Depersonalise the look 

Your home design might have a unique personal touch and be careful with how much of your personal style shines through in the space. Different groups of people will be viewing your home. Everyone will have different opinions and in order to appeal to as many of these groups as possible, put away statement decorations and opt for neutral choices so that all groups would get satisfied.

Clean look 

A clean home, cleaning every part of the house and everything in between shows good care of the property. Keep the old stuff spotless, sparkle your bathroom, tub and sink and make everything look new.

Sell the space keep the stuff 

Clear out your things to prevent potential buyers from getting distracted, clear the kitchen counter appliances, leave the walls empty and keep them simple as gathering leaves and enclosing them in simple frames. Arrange the furniture so it’s easy for potential buyers to navigate a room and take their attention to the room as a whole; making them pleasing to the eye but not distracting or cluttering.

It is not unusual for a seller to stage their home expecting a potential return and can save you from a costly price reduction. Home staging is considered a marketing technique for flats in edappally that will appeal to the greatest common denominator. Staging neutralises the home, though you may love your collections but can have a negative psychological effect on a potential buyer. Staging is not creating illusions, simply showing the buyer the potential of the home through simple and inexpensive upgrades resulting in higher offers for the seller.


How to avoid the most common maintenance pitfalls when selling or buying a home

A home is a dream space for all of us. However, the process of buying or selling a home is one of the most taxing processes that one has to go through. If you are a newcomer in Kochi and would like to relocate for your new job or business, the most professional builders in ernakulam can throw light on how you can maintain homes in a seamless manner. If this is your first time as a home buyer or home seller, we can help you with tips that will make the process more smooth.

Many times, maintenance issues are the common problem makers for every flat or homeowner in any city around the world. Being in this industry for decades, our home experts have seen the difficulties and wish to make this chore a lot easier for you.

More than the monetary parts of every buy or sale of a home, it is the emotional strain that drives people crazy. If not done right, the work can be time-consuming and can drain out your patience, money, and the mere privacy of your living space. So, if you want to make your home worthwhile for yourself and also for the next buyer, we have solutions that will help you in the long run.

Talk with the homeowners

Since you don’t have a smart device to watch over the house at the oddest of times, you need to get out and understand the house owners. If this is a new building home, then you need to talk to the owners. If this is a second buy or sell, talk and understand why they want to fulfill this transaction, how long they lived in flats in edappally, and the nearby amenities. Small talk can save you from a lot of hidden flaws in any home.

Check the house spaces at your pace

Never hurry when you enter a new home for inspection. If it has to be your home, it needs a thorough inspection. In case, you need to sell your home in Kochi, then it needs to be checked well. Make sure that doors, cupboards, walls, pipes, windows, and all the spaces are in good condition, clean, and ready to be used by others.

Look for the builder profile

Just as much as you check for the flaws that arise within the maintenance of a flat or individual home in Kochi or any place in India, it is a must to understand the management behind these structural masterpieces. For instance, if you have been dealing with a newcomer in this industry, this is a good idea, but a big risk. Unless you know their works personally for years, the quality will have to be assessed with a lot of thought. For instance, we have developed our goodwill with years of dedication to service, quality, communications, commitment, and elegant craftsmanship in each of our structures. When people search for the top builders in Ernakulam on Google, our name will pop in the top searches. This is because people have given us great reviews for our past works. It is our pride to uplift your expectations and do justice to all your needs in the best and most affordable manner.

Understand and set agreements carefully

Whenever we are on the search for flats in kochi, for a buy or sell, it will have an agreement. This will be digitised or maybe in physical paper. This agreement should contain all the terms that are involved within the buy and sell of a home in Kochi. Have an idea about the maintenance charges and all the extra expenses that roll in every month.

Evaluate the hidden costs

If you go to buy or sell a home via small real estate sellers, they may not reveal all the sides of the contract. This is one of the major flaws during the whole process. One person asks if they will understand all the expenses involved. You need to see if they add the cabling costs, legal charges, and documentation charges into your rent by any chance. Only pay for what you know, so make it clear about what is being bought or sold. Or else, there are plenty of situations when buyers are placed in a situation where they have to shell out more money than anticipated. We have over the years been known as the most reliable real estate builders for our quality of service. Whether it is the building material, the interior designing process, or the materials used, we undertake each and every aspect with extra detailing. This has helped us to keep our customers happy. So, when a flat in Kochi has to be bought or sold, all our work and expenses are clearly explained. This way, the people or rather the clients know what to expect when the transaction is done.

Study the building profile from the neighborhood

The last one on our tips list of how one can avoid the most common maintenance pitfalls when selling or buying a home is to study the particular building from the nearby society. It is true that not all people will say the truth, but the whole crowd will not share just a basket of gossip. So, listen to their views. This is done so that you know if you are entering a home that is involved in some political controversy, crime, theft, or any other issue. If there was a problem with the previous owner and the building management, that could affect you in the long term. Since you are handling a huge monetary transaction, such matters should be thought out with a lot of care. After all, a home is your hub of privacy. No one will like to be bombarded with unwanted intruders and other societal disturbances. So, do all the needed checks before it takes a toll on your mental peace.

To wind up, we hope we were able to throw light on what you need to think about when looking for the perfect home. This will help you avoid any hidden maintenance issues that may arise in the process. Follow the tips to see how easy the route to home living in Kochi can be.


8 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Investing in Real Estate

Real Estate is huge money and that is why you need to step into this field with a ton of caution. Since properties are always a prized possession in Indian culture, people love to invest in Real Estate. It is best that you go for the best flats in Kochi so that the value is consistent, the procedures are planned well and yes, you are dealing with building experts who have been known for their credibility.

Whenever you have surplus money in hand, that is lying idle in your fixed deposit, go for a business. For those who are clueless about business or do not know where to start, we would tell you that real estate is always a safe choice. The problem happens when people make blunders by hearing and reading a lot from around their little world. You do not need to deal with hundreds of people or market your property far and wide. Your commodities, which are the flats in Kochi, are your best commodity. It hardly needs a talk or a rethought when it comes to a buy or sale.

We have been in this field for over three decades and our real estate experts hold vast experience. They have seen the trends and changes that have shaped the real estate industry over the years. Here we would like to take you through this thought process of the real estate business. It will help one to understand what factors to keep in mind while you plan to invest in your next real estate property.

Know what you want

Do you have a clear picture of what you need in your own home? What type of flat or apartment in Kochi are you looking for? Which location? How many rooms and what sort of spaces and design is your ideal home? You have to have a mental idea of what you need to look for before setting out for the real estate search. If not, your search will never end and you will be confused. This is because all flats may look beautiful, and the balcony view may look fantastic, but if it is useful, then probably your investment is not right. So note what you need exactly.

Fix you Budget

Money is precious and so think about the amount of investment you can spare for this. To begin, you have to search for advertisements like flat for sale in Kochi and see the amenities and the price asked for them.  Do not put an additional burden on your real estate plans without fixing your budget. This will help you to assess your expenses in the coming years too, and also plan how it will affect your lifestyle Tax payments, and so on.

Understand the trend

The real estate trend will keep changing in every place. If you notice the property prices have a random hike or a sluggish note on the graph every 5-8 years. This could be because of the cost of living, some natural calamities; government laws, the value of money, and even if there are some societal advancements on the go. This will excite or fear people to purchase or sell their property. In India, if you are looking for good property investment, it is wise to keep watch on the trends in your area. The boom and downfalls have to be utilized at the right time if you are prepared for such situations.

Talk to other realtors

In real estate, you cannot run a one-man show and buy luxury flats in Kochi, as knowledge is very limited. Instead seek out the real estate sellers in your area, or town and understand the trends, processes, and areas where properties are available for a buy or sale. If they have properties in hand, they will let you know about the prices too. This will give you an idea of all the paperwork, or legal issues that surround a certain property.

Fix the right price

Sometimes, we have often seen people placing the wrong prices for their properties. This is because they are new in the market, and do not know the real value of the property. This leads to any of the two disasters like overpricing or underpricing the flats. So, when investing in real estate do not think that the seller will know all sides of the business. They could be newcomers. So, it is best to be precautious and do your homework also before falling into the pit. As you know, the money is huge in this game. So, you better know how to work with the industry prices beforehand.

Check the Agreement Papers

This is one of the most fundamental points that we like to highlight. Sometimes, in the excitement of the sale, people do not check the papers of the sale deed. This will showcase the owners, the real price, and the possessions’ rights and even if there is any legal case attached to such property. You do not want to be the owner of a troublesome property for a lifetime.

Managing Finances on Time

Make sure that you have arranged your funds on time for the luxury flats in Kochi that you have in mind, It could be your fixed deposits, or probably a loan. Plus, we like to remind you that you always keep an additional amount for the unlisted expenses that follow in with the travel, and documentation concerning the sale.

Rush the Sales Processes

This is our last point to keep in mind and also one of the most crucial things you need to keep in mind. If you need the best flats in Kochi,  it needs to be searched well, and researched so that you get the best deal for your investment. This needs a lot of time and cannot be done in a day or two. Keep aside the emotions before you start your investment process. This will restrict the owner from thinking logically about what they want, and how to deal with the negotiations at the right time.

Get in touch

8th Floor, Nucleus Mall & Office,
N.H.85 (Kundannoor – Petta Road),
Maradu. P.O, Kochi – 682 304.
Ph: +91 0484-4105000,
GSM: +91 9072349966





about us

ABAD Builders, set up in 1995, is Kerala’s first CRISIL-rated builder and has also acquired ISO 9001. The ABAD group, with a legacy that goes back to 1931, also has interests in seafood processing, hospitality services, facility & project management services and retail.


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